Marsha Terry

Embracing the Power of “Peace” in Your Life

The new year is well underway. Every year I look for a word that will be my guiding compass. Over the years, I’ve seen where my word definitely shows up for me. My word gives me perspective, direction and helps me stayed aligned with my purpose. This year isn’t any different, my word is -🥁 PEACE.

No, I’m not talking about the quiet serenity you feel during a spa day (although that’s nice too). I’m talking about cultivating a mindset of peace that is transformative.

The Peace Trend ✌

Have you ever said that you want a new car and everywhere you look all you see is that car? It happens because of a system in your brain called the Reticular Activating System. Simply put this system helps to filter out unimportant information so the important stuff can get through. Obviously projecting out into the universe that you want a new car is important! LOL.  What’s fascinating is that it happens not for only the things that you think you want, but also the things that you really desire.

Lately, “Peace” has been popping up in social media feeds, meditation sessions, and even in general conversations with my friends. There’s something to be said about how our minds work!

Mindset Magic 🤯

Let’s dig a little deeper on this, shall we? Peace isn’t just a serene backdrop; it’s a powerful mindset. Picture this: you’re stuck in traffic, running late, and the person in front of you is driving at a snail’s pace. Cue frustration. Now, replace that frustration with a deep breath and the mantra, “Peace.” Suddenly, traffic becomes a meditation on patience. Mind blown, right?

I can’t stress enough the impact of the words we choose. “Peace” isn’t just a word; it’s a language. Swap out “I’m stressed” with “I’m cultivating peace,” and watch the transformation. It’s like upgrading from black and white to technicolor. What reframe can you have on a current situation to invite peace rather than to continue with stress? What words do you need to replace in your vocabulary?

Try this for size:

Rather than “I’m stressed” try “I’m navigating a challenge”

Rather than “I can’t wait” try “I’m savoring this moment”

Rather than “This is so frustrating” try “I wonder what adventure is in my future”

The Peace Prescription: 💊

Here’s the thing – peace isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but it is the ultimate prescription for a healthier, happier life. It’s like a daily vitamin for your mind. Take it with a dose of laughter, and you’ve got a winning combination. I’ll be the first to admit life is chaotic. You may not be able to change the situation or the circumstances that you’re in, but your can change your perspective about it. Suddenly, challenges become opportunities, and setbacks become setups for comebacks. It’s the ultimate plot twist in your life’s screenplay. Injecting a mindset of peacefulness in any challenging situation extinguishes the negative energy, if not for those around you, definitely for yourself.

So, let’s make “Peace” the word of the year. Embrace it with open arms, sprinkle it in your conversations, and watch the magic unfold. Life is too short not to enjoy the journey, and a little peace goes a long way. Remember, in a world full of chaos, be the one sipping a cup of serenity and laughing in the face of stress.

Peace out! ✌️

#PeacefulMindset #MindsetMatters #LaughMoreLiveBetter

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